4.1 FTP Commands
BPFTP Server supports most of the important FTP commands. Here's some info on the most frequently used commands:

╖ ABOR used when client aborts his current command
╖ ALLO <param> param represents the number of bytes a client would like to upload, ALLO checks if enough
               disk space is availabe
╖ APPE <param> param is the filename to be resumed in an upload
╖ CDUP / XCUP / PWD / XPWD / CWD <param> directory navigation
╖ HELP display supported commands
╖ LIST / NLST list files
╖ MDTM yyyymmddhhmmss[+-xxx] <path/file> specify the new date/time for the specified filename
╖ MKD <param> / XMKD <param> create directory named <param>
╖ NOOP notifies the server not to kick the user, simulates a command, does nothing
╖ PASV switches to passive mode
╖ PORT <param> specifyies address, port to connect to
╖ PWD <param> returns current user directory
╖ QUIT disconnects from the server
╖ REIN reinits current user without having to disconnect, user could now relogin with USER and PASS
╖ REST <param> sets the byte offset to start from for file upload
╖ RETR / STOR / DELE / APPE <param> RETRieve / STOre / DELEte / APPEnd file (resume upload)
╖ RMD <param> remove directory
╖ RNFR <param> / RNTO <param> ReName FRom, ReNameTO used to rename a file
╖ SITE CHAT <user> <message> sends a message to another connected user
╖ SITE PSWD   allows user to change his password
╖ SITE WHO returns who is connected: User Name - Connection Date - IP/HostName - Transfer KBps
╖ SITE ZONE displays server's time zone relative to UTC
╖ SIZE <param> returns size of specified object
╖ STAT returns server's info & current user
╖ STOR <param> param represents the file to be uploaded to server
╖ STOU <param> stores unique, same as store but generates unique filenames - not yet implemented
╖ SYST returns system type
╖ TYPE <param> sets transfer mode to ASCII or Binary
╖ USER <param> / PASS <param> user name and pass for logging on the server
Note: some commands returned by the HELP command have no function assigned to them. This is the case for UNIX oriented commands such as STRU, SMNT which belong to the UNIX file system.